

My name is Hana, I’m from Ethiopia. Thank you for taking the time to visit my web page. My hope and prayer is that everything you read on this page would uplift and encourage you to keep loving the Lord and motivates you to live for him. I will be sharing what has helped me grow in my walk with the Lord. As well as what I have been learning from the word of God that have slowly worked on my heart and changed my life for the better.

I was born and raised in a Christian family. I grew up learning about Jesus and attending Sunday school at my parents local church. It was at an early age that I fell in love with Jesus and started to follow him. Even though I have been involved in singing ministry from a young age, I hadn’t been following the direction that God had for my life. I had always wanted to be the one in control and make decisions until I came to a point of frustration when I felt my life was going in circles and leaving me heartbroken. I totally surrendered a few years ago out of that brokenness. Glory to His name for saving that crushed spirit and getting near to my broken heartedness. Jesus spoke hope to my hopeless situations. He drew closer and declared restoration over my life. He then led me to a season of wilderness where I could focus on Him alone. That is when I bought a notebook and started writing down what the Holy Spirit would teach me. 

I have always loved writing. I write what I feel, I write my plans, I write my prayers, I write what I learn and I write the promises God has spoken over my life. When I go back and read those things over, I start to feel led to share them with the world. I did not know that writing was part of God’s plan for my life until He recently spoke it to my heart.

I hope and pray that you will find the courage and motivation to pursue a deeper relationship with the Lord through my blog posts. Stay tuned!